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Happy Female Gardener

Our Passion is your future.

Our GLOVECO Product is manufactured solely from Corn. Did you know that Corn is an incredibly versatile, high yield crop. Corn boasts an impressively low carbon footprint  therefore every GLOVECO product you use not only boasts an impressively low carbon footprint, it also aids the regeneration of our planet (unlike the single use petroleum based alternative).

Corn starch resin is a raw, non-toxic material produced from corn starch.

GLOVECO gloves are compostable by and for nature.

In fact, you can dispose of them via household and commercial food waste recycling !

A young girl holding a chicken, the girl looks very happy and is also wearing a hat.
A sushi chef preparing sushi with gloveco compostable gloves on. wearing chef whites and using a wooden preps surface

Gloveco invites you to be a part of a movement that transcends individual choices and makes a collective impact. Let's challenge the status quo, redefine convenience, and embrace sustainable choices that lead to a healthier planet for generations to come. Together, we can turn the tide against plastic pollution, one compostable glove at a time.

Join the Revolution

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